Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So, I am quickly becoming a devout Christian here in Bluefields…..(I know a bit out of character for me). It is just that the culture here is so strongly religious and believing in God brings these people hope in a place that has almost lost all other hope. I think that the people here need God to put a smile on their faces every day, and somehow he does. This makes me a believer…. I get asked at least once a day about what religion I belong to, or whether or not I believe in Jesus Christ. It would be way too hard to tell the people here that I find religion to be questionable…especially when they depend so strongly on the church. So I say, yes of course I am a Christian. And I don’t even know if I am lying anymore, being here sort of makes me feel religious….
When I ask people my survey questions about what they would do in the event of a hurricane, most (especially the older ladies) respond by saying it is in God’s hands. They don’t say that hurricanes are an act of God so much as they say that God will save them in the event of one. And I know that they need God to save them, because most don’t have the money for a safe home, and especially don’t have the money to leave in the event of one.
So if God can bring these people hope and a little joy each day, I will praise God too.
Ok, with that I am off to church (yea, seriously I am going tonight!)

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